Just as your personal data is important to you, it is also important to us.
This document contains information about Vibe's responsibility regarding your personal data.
1. What Do We Do With Your Data?
The reason we use your data is to provide a better experience for our content creators. The data collected by other services we use in our products cannot be processed by us.
Who Processes Your Data?
Your data is collected and used byALESIA BILISIM TEKNOLOJILERI VE INTERNET HIZMETLERI LIMITED SIRKETI, which is established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Türkiye and based in Bakırköy, Istanbul, Türkiye, or its affiliated entity providing the relevant service, in order to enable the use of the application and/or services.
3. Collected Usage Data
Personal (private) information from the products/services developed by Vibe is not transferred to our servers. The user data hosted by us consists of data related to the general features of the user applications.
In some of our applications and/or services, login information is stored in the user's device cache. This data cannot be extracted outside the application; however, in the case of device compromise, important data may be accessed directly without the need for login. Vibe is not responsible for account/personal information that the user discloses on their own. It is the user's responsibility.
4. Which Personal Information is Shared With Whom?
The following information of our content creators is shared with brands:
• Your first and last name
• Your social networks
• Past collaborations
The following information of our content creators is shared with everyone:
• Your first and last name
• Your TikTok username
The following information of the brands we collaborate with is shared with content creators:
• Brand name
• Company title
• Email address
• Phone number
Questions and Suggestions
For any requests or questions regarding the use of your information, including withdrawing consent for the collection or use of certain types of data, please contact Vibe at [email protected].